Tuesday 1 July 2014

Return Of The Overalls

I'm a 90's kid so I've spent a good share of my time in overalls and I honestly used to love them (I used to have these really cute denim ones that I was obsessed with) but after a while they began to be considered a fashion faux pas and I got over them. However, you know fashion, just when you thought you were out, it pulls you back in (I apologise for distorting a Godfather quote right there)!

So now overalls are officially back and they didn't even bother making a subtle entrance, they literally seem to be everywhere! Though I have to say I'm still on the fence about this one. I've spent so long getting over them that now falling for them all over again may take some time (fashion really messes with our minds).

What do you guys think though? Overalls- Yay or Nay? If you cant decide either, maybe these pictures can help you make up your mind!

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